reggio emilia

The Reggio Emilia program of the Red Solare Italiana implemented in preschool explores the formation of preconceptions, social and cognitive skills in early childhood children.

Children explore their enviroment, use the game as an educational tool, develop creativity in the world of color, painting and drawing.


Our methodology privileges learning based on teaching for understanding EpC – Project Zero of Harvard University, an approach where the student is involved in the construction of knowledge through comprehension performances and constructive reflection on their doing, with the EpC the voice of the student is rescued and critical thinking is stimulated 


We are proud of our academic achievement obtained by parents, teachers and students working together to obtain the certification that allowed us to become a Cambridge English School.


IIt is a project created by the University of Cambridge in which a school prepares its students to take international English proficiency tests, using material and training directed by entities under the supervision of the University of Cambridge. The purpose of this project is to guide the skills and competencies necessary for students to obtain an internationally valid certificate in addition to the benefits that speaking English generates in a globalized world.

Competent readers program

It is a structured program in agreement with the Alberto Merani International Foundation of Conceptual Pedagogy that seeks to develop intellectual skills that will allow our students to easily analyze and understand any type of text and from them to build knowledge, elaborate their own text and clearly argue their ideas.


It is part of the subjects. It works in sessions (classroom – home) Structured through playful activities.
Book version 2.0. Registration on platform



The NEIL ARMSTRONG SCHOOL carries out the NAS Environmental Forum in accordance with the global need to preserve the planet. We share the concern of people, institutions and organizations that advance policies and programs in favor of this noble cause and we are fully convinced that from our closest reality we can contribute with effective strategies to achieve these goals.


The robotics program seeks to strengthen scientific thinking in the students of the institution through practices that facilitate the development of cognitive structures as well as the implementation of contemporary methodologies applied to the field of science and engineering, the program aims to achieve a critical mass of students with the skills of the 21st century to lead processes that allow us to move from the consumption of theories and innovations to the production of them.

What was initially conceived as a club more of a recreational nature became thanks to the results obtained in robotics competitions and science exhibitions in a chair of the curriculum which is initially taught in primary school in the institution, currently our robotics team holds the national title Excellence awarded to the best robotics team in terms of robot performance and scientific project title achieved in the Lego Festival held in Medellin in the month of November 2016 through the Global Art Science and Technology foundation.

During this year the Nas Robotics Group will be the representative of Colombia in the First Lego League World Festival to be held in Houston Texas where it will be measured before more than 108 countries around the world in frank competition in the categories of robot missions by points, scientific project and innovation and team


For the past four years, Neil Armstrong School has participated in the Model United Nations (MUN) in the center of the country, a space to develop discursive skills and interact with students from various prestigious institutions in the country. Once the invitation is received from the host schools, the possibility of attending is studied, the students (especially from 9th to 11th grade) are summoned, those who wish to be part of the delegation sign up and from there begins an individual and collective preparation according to the assigned nation and the committee of which each student is a member.

During the debate sessions our students learn to listen to positions similar or contrary to their own, practice argumentation as well as counter-argumentation, write working papers and resolutions, use parliamentary language and procedure, learn about the nations of the world, play a particular role. But, above all, they rediscover academia and culture outside their school classrooms, participate in organizational dynamics in which they must adapt to the context, strengthen coexistence, support each other and develop a sense of belonging. All of the above, aimed at personal growth, which in the long term is a priority in our formative process of integral beings.

What was initially conceived as a more recreational club became thanks to the results obtained in robotics competitions and science exhibitions in a curricular chair initially dictated in the primary of the institution, currently our robotics team holds the national title of Excellence awarded to the best robotics team in terms of robot performance and the title of scientific project achieved in the Lego Festival held in Medellin in the month of November 2016 through the Global Art Foundation Science and Technology.

During this year the Nas Robotics Group will be the representative of Colombia in the First Lego League World Festival to be held in Houston Texas where it will be measured against more than 108 countries in the world in frank competition in the categories of robotic missions by points, scientific project and innovation and team values.


The concept of sports practice of  NAS is dynamic and very pro-active, the motto is: Each student must practice a sport, sports schools offer the opportunity to exercise individually in a modality, then the second semester develop special skills in the sports branch of their choice. Outstanding students in a sport integrate the selections to participate in the inter-collegiate games and sports games of the Union of Private Schools of Villavicencio – UNCOPVI -.

Currently the NAS is the departmental champion of Volley – Volley Children’s category, runner-up in youth category and offers its students the practice of: Soccer, basketball, skating, swimming, cheerleading, softball, chess, microfutbol etc in various categories, training is led by professionals in each sport discipline.


The fine arts are cultivated at Neil Armstrong on a permanent and systematized basis. Students have the opportunity to attend various art modalities in which the fine arts and dance play an important role.